The Proven 16 Weeks Sales System to 2x, 3, or 5x Your Cash Collected & Close Above 50% of Your Sales Calls

The step by step sales process for sales people Or entrepreneurs

who want to close above 50% of their sales calls and connect better

with their prospects without having to handle hundreds of objections

Who Am I?

I'm Christian Polk, a sales coach have helped hundreds of reps improve their sales and commissions. Personally I have closed over $7m in sales and I've worked with several 7, 8, and 9-figure companies such as Thryv, Scaling with Systems, Ryan Pineda, Alec Heck (AdOutreach), Stock Navigators, and 7th Level (Jeremy Miner). 

What's Included?

One on one kick off call with me where we map out your goals and how to get there

3 Coaching calls each week

💰 1 full breakdown of a call each month

💰 Exclusive Precision Closer Masterclass to Get you Over $30k/m as a Closer

💰 Best Ways to Overcome Objections

🎁Bonus: My Exact Objection Handling Reframes and Rebuttals

🎁Bonus: My Sales Script Breakdown

🎁Bonus: Recordings of My One on One Sales Coaching Calls

🎁Bonus: Recordings of My Sales Calls


From 38% to 63% closing Rate while doubling commissions

Andres Getting to $50k per month Whole Selling

Owen - Everything Clicked and Getting Lots more PIFs

Jacob - Record Month in Business

"I Feel like I can handle any type of prospect now"

Georgi - Went from 5k per month to 25k per month in one month

Some Training

My Sales Call Breakdown where I close a $8k Deal

My Objection Handling Blueprint

More Testimonals